Hot chocolate – with a superfood boost

Hot chocolate – with a superfood boost
Hot Chocolate
Serves 2
A delicious warming hot chocolate with a hint of cinnamon.
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Prep Time
1 min
Cook Time
5 min
Prep Time
1 min
Cook Time
5 min
  1. 1/4 water
  2. 1 cup of milk of choice
  3. 1 table spoon cacao
  4. 1 table spoon maple syrup (can add more if you like it sweeter)
  5. 2 tspn cinnamon powder or 2 cinnamon sticks
  6. 1/2 tspn of vanilla extract or 1 vanilla pod
  7. 1 tspn of Maca powder (optional)
  1. Place cacao and water into a pan and mix until cacao has dissolved. Add remaining ingredients and stir over a low heat for at least 5 minutes.
  1. A couple of other nice additions for adults - a sprinkle of chilli and a teaspoon of ginger powder.
  2. Why is it healthy?
  3. Cacao - high in antioxidants, magnesium and iron
  4. Maca - full of vitamins for immune and general health, regulates energy function.
  5. Cinnamon - immune enhancing properties
Your Naturopathic Health

Slow cooked lamb shank stew

Slow cooked lamb shank stew
Slow cooked lamb shank stew
This is super easy to prepare and if you have the time to cook slowly - so worth the wait!
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Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
4 hr
Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
4 hr
  1. Tomato base
  2. 4 tomatoes
  3. 1 small capsicum
  4. 4 cloves of garlic
  5. 1 onion
  6. 1 small bunch of basil
  7. Stew
  8. 3 cups beef stock
  9. 2 cups of tomato base
  10. 1 cup of cauliflower (I sometimes put more)
  11. 1 cup kale - broken into bite sized pieces
  12. 1 cup of diced pumpkin
  13. 1 cup of chickpeas soaked over night or tinned.
  14. 4 lamb shanks
  15. 2 sprigs of rosemary
  16. 6 sage leaves
  17. 1 table spoon of cinnamon
  18. Salt and pepper to taste
  1. This is super easy to prepare you basically put all ingredients in pot and cook!
  2. Prepare tomato base - place all ingredients into your blender or food processor and blitz till liquified.
  3. Place all ingredients except kale into a pot, place in oven at 160'C and cook for 4 hours. Uncover after 2 hours and stir. Place kale in the stew with 10 minutes to go.
  4. If you want to speed up the process you can cook at 180'C covered for an hour and uncovered for 30 minutes. The first cook time - the lamb is just super tender, melt in your mouth yummy.
  5. I served mine with polenta but it is fine as a stew or with sweet potato mash. (will add recipe soon)
  1. have quite a large pot so that it fits all of the ingredients. You can reduce the stock and lamb shank quantities if your pot isn't big enough.
Your Naturopathic Health

Superfoods for kids

Superfoods for kids

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Superfoods for kids

Parents have responsibility for their children’s health. The responsibility to provide them with the right nutrients to have the best head start. It can be tough at times, ads on TV, those bright-coloured treats at the supermarket checkout, right at eye level…just as they (and you) have reached meltdown point. It would be so easy just to give in to keep them quiet, huh? These snacks are often high in fats, preservatives, chemicals, sugar, not something you want in their growing bodies. Obesity in children is on the increase. Studies show that obesity in child hood increases your chance of obesity in adult life contributing to numerous health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and some cancers.

By incorporating super foods into their diet you are providing them with extra nutrition to fuel them on their busy day. Not only preventing obesity but providing nutrients that support the health of their digestion, immune system and overall health and well being. So before you reach for those packets of chips or bright coloured ice cream, here are some much healthier snack options to nourish your little ones.

Why is a healthy diet important?

  • Improved immunity
  • Improved concentration
  • Mood
  • Digestion
  • Energy levels
  • Maintaining a healthy weight

The new green drink – Spirulina

My dad jokes and shakes his head about how my son loves his ‘green drink’ and protests, saying ‘green drink in my day was green cordial!’. Initially you may think that there is no way to get your kids to drink this green powder but mixed with juice or in a shake the flavour is easy to disguise. Spirulina is packed with over 100 nutrients. It is equivalent to 5 serves or fruit and vegetables per serve. It is high in protein, antioxidants, iron and B12 – natures multivitamin. It’s great for boosting energy and supporting heart, eye and immune health.

Chia Seeds

This tiny little seed has a mild taste and is easy to hide in children’s food. Chia is a great source of omega 3s and fibre. Omega 3 is important for brain, heart and skin health. While the fibre in chia helps digestion and is beneficial for helping little bodies eliminate waste.

I use chia in all of my baking (it absorbs water so make sure you add extra liquid to your recipe), in raw food snacks (fruit and nut balls), or you can sprinkle it on cereal and even in stir fries.

Superfood shake

This wholefood shake is packed with nutrients and is an easy way to increase your child’s vitamin intake. High in protein, it contains 24 vitamins and minerals. The nutrients in this shake are beneficial for energy, immunity and healthy digestion. It is naturally sweetened, gluten free and a yummy berry flavour.

This shake can be mixed with water or your choice of milk as an afternoon snack and even made into ice blocks for a summer treat.

Coconut oil

This tropical superfood is a great energy source for your busy kids. The fats in coconut oil are easily digested and absorbed, quickly supplying the body with energy. Coconut oil also has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Perfect for little immune systems.

Coconut oil is stable in heat can be used in baking, stir fries, raw food recipes and salad dressings.

Super foods for glowing skin

Super foods for glowing skin

Glowing skin with Super foods 

 They say its whats on the inside that counts and this is true when it comes to nurturing healthy skin. 

Healthy skin starts from the within. Many people turn to topical treatments for problem skin – chemical laden makeup, cleansers, toners, scrubs and moisturisers offer only temporary relief to skin problems. Whether you are battling with dry skin in winter, sensitive skin in summer or acne prone skin it maintaining a healthy diet is key to your skin’s health. If we are not feeding our bodies with the right nutrients these problems will continue to plague us. Super foods are packed with nutrients and are a great way to nourish your skin from the inside out. 

C is for Camu Camu 

Camu is a fruit from South America that contains the highest amount of Vitamin C than any other food source – it contains 23 times more vitamin C than an orange! Vitamin C is essential for collagen and elastin production for healthy skin and wound repair. It also helps to protect the skin from sun damage – a contributing factor to aging skin. Vitamin C protects against free radicals (damaged cells), its anti inflammatory and promotes healthy immune system. 

Camu has a mild citrus flavour and can be added to juices, smoothies, yoghurt, baking and desserts. 

Chia seeds   

Full of fibre and omega 3s, Chia seeds are a perfect addition to your diet for healthy skin. These tiny seeds provide 9 times more omega 3s than salmon! Omega 3s  keep skin supple and protect against inflammation and damage. Most western diets are deficient in these healthy fats.  

Chia contains twice as much fibre as oats. Fibre maintains a healthy digestive system and help the body eliminate waste and toxins through your digestive tract. Keeping you healthy on the inside   resulting in glowing skin on the out side. 

Chia can be added to your baking, salads, stir fries, breakfast cereals or smoothies,  pretty much any meal due to their mild taste.  


Medicinal use of these tiny seeds dates back thousands of years. Flaxseeds are a great plant source of omega 3s. They are important for the health of your skin and have shown positive results for the treatment of dry skin and eczema. Flaxseed supplementation decreases skin sensitivity, and improves its tone and function. Omega 3s have been shown to decrease eczema symptoms by 23%. Allergy sufferers who supplemented with omega 3s while pregnant had a dramatic decrease in the incidents of their children having allergies or eczema. 

Omega s aren’t just good for dry skin – Flaxseed is also beneficial for acne prone skin. In clinical trials Flaxseed oil, when combined with borage oil dramatically decreased skin irritation, changes in skin reddening in acne sufferers. 

For the best dose of the good fats of flaxseed oil you can be taken in capsule form. 

Cleansing Chlorophyll 

This superfood found in all plant life and nourishes your skin and body from the inside out. Full of vitamins and minerals Chlorophyll has purifying qualities, helping the body eliminate heavy metals and toxins. It nourishes your your red blood cells which improves your circulation. It has an alkalising effect on the body which helps to decrease inflammation. All of these qualities contribute to the health of your skin.  

Chlorophyll can me mixed with water or taken straight.  

Coconut Oil 

This superfood can be used internally and externally for beautiful skin. Coconut oil is high in Vitamin A and C, calcium and iron. Coconut oil has traditionally been used for boils, eczema and other skin conditions. It contains a type of fat, lauric acid,  that has anti bacterial, anti fungal and anti viral properties. Perfect for acne prone skin!  

Coconut oil can also be used directly on your skin. It can be used as a moisturiser on the face or body leaving skin feeling soft and smooth. It can also be added to your diet to replace other fats and oils. It is heat stable and can be used in baking, stir fries, salad dressings and smoothies. 


Acai and chia yoghurt cups

Acai and chia yoghurt cups
Acai and chia yoghurt cups - superfood afterschool (or work) snack
Serves 2
Superfood afterschool (or work) snack
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  1. 1 cup of natural yoghurt
  2. 2 table spoons chia
  3. 1 tspn beetroot powder (bioglan)
  4. 1 tspn acai + berry powder (bioglan)
  5. 1/4 cup mixed berries
  6. 1 tblspn of maple syrup (optional)
  1. Mix all ingredients together until well combined. Leave in fridge to set for 30 minutes.
Your Naturopathic Health

Avocado and spirulina toast – superfood breaky for kids (and adults)

Avocado and spirulina toast – superfood breaky for kids (and adults)
Avocado and spirulina toast - super food breaky for kids
Serves 1
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Prep Time
1 min
Cook Time
3 min
Total Time
4 min
Prep Time
1 min
Cook Time
3 min
Total Time
4 min
  1. 1/2 avocado
  2. 1 tspn of spirulina
  3. 1 tspn of tamari or soy sauce
  4. 2 slices of bread of choice
  5. 1 poached egg
  1. Poach egg* see notes below
  2. Cook toast and spread with avocado, mix in spirulina and sprinkle with Tamari. Cut into soldiers if desired.
  3. Top with poached egg.
  4. Easy and delicious!
  1. I use a cheats way to poach my egg. I either boil water in a fry pan and crack an egg into the boiling water, cook until desired texture (soft or hard yolk)- cover for the last 20 seconds to make sure steam cooks top, then scoop out, drain off water
  2. or
  3. I cook egg as I would a boiled egg - place in a saucepan with cold water, bring to boil and cooke for 3 minutes.
  4. I then cut egg with knife and spoon out egg onto toast. Super easy!
Your Naturopathic Health

Acai Berry Jam

Acai Berry Jam
Acai Berry Jam
Healthy alternative to store bought jam.
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Cook Time
15 min
Cook Time
15 min
  1. 1/4 cup chia
  2. 1/4 cup apple juice
  3. 1 cup of mixed berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries) frozen is fine
  4. 3 tablespoons of maple syrup
  5. 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  6. 1 tablespoon Acai + berry powder (Bioglan)
  7. 1 teaspoon beetroot powder (Bioglan)
  1. Mix chia and apple juice soak for 30 minutes - it will form a gel
  2. Place berries, maple syrup in food processor and blitz until smooth Cook in saucepan for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  3. Take off heat and add chia mix, Acai + berry powder and beetroot powder and lemon juice.
  4. Will last in a refrigerated, airtight container for a week...maybe more... but I never get a chance to find out as my son eats this by the spoonful! Can be used on cereal, toast or yoghurt.
  5. Enjoy!
Your Naturopathic Health

Chicken, vegetable and black eyed pea soup

Chicken, vegetable and black eyed pea soup
Chicken, vegetable and black eyed pea soup
Perfect in winter - this delicious soup is easy to make and full nutrients.
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Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
30 min
Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
30 min
  1. 1 large brown onion
  2. 5 cloves of garlic
  3. 1 tablespoon smoked paprika
  4. 1 tablespoon of oregano
  5. 1 cup of mushrooms sliced in half
  6. 1 carrot cut in chunks
  7. 2 cups of black eyed peas (soaked over night)
  8. 1 cup of diced pumpkin
  9. 200gm chick thigh fillets
  10. 2 litres of chicken stock
  1. Melt coconut oil on a low heat. Add onion and garlic, stir until cooked. Add mushrooms, paprika and oregano cook for 2 minutes.
  2. Add stock, pumpkin, peas and chicken. Simmer for 25 minutes or until pumpkin in cooked through.
  3. Add kale and cook for an extra minute.
  4. Add salt to taste.
Your Naturopathic Health

Roasted pumpkin and sweet potato soup

Roasted pumpkin and sweet potato soup
Roasted pumpin and sweet potato soup
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Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
1 hr
Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
1 hr
  1. 1 kg of pumpkin - deseeded and cut into cubes
  2. 1 kg of orange sweet potatoes - peeled and cut into cubes
  3. 1 white onion
  4. 4 cloves of garlic
  5. 1 litre chicken stock (home made preferably)
  6. 2 table spoon fresh rosemary
  7. 4 sage leaves
  8. pinch of salt
  9. 2 table spoons olive or coconut oil
  1. Coat pumpkin, sweet potato, onion, garlic (leave skin on onion and garlic) and herbs with oil and salt, roast for 50 mins at 180 degrees.
  2. Place in large pot while hot. Add chicken stock and mix with hand processor until smooth.
  3. You can top with a spoon of cream or coconut cream, salt and pepper.
Your Naturopathic Health

Orange and cinnamon muesli

Orange and cinnamon muesli
Cinnamon and Orange muesli
Serves 8
A delicious whole food muesli that is packed full of nutrients and give you energy to start the day
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  1. 3 cups of oats
  2. rind from one orange
  3. 1/4 cup of coconut oil
  4. 1/4 cup of maple syrup or honey
  5. 1/4 raisins
  6. 6 dates finely chopped
  7. 1 cup of mixed nuts (almonds and macadamia's are nice with recipe)
  8. 1/4 cup chia
  9. 1/4 cup of sun flower seeds
  10. 1 tblspn cinnamon
  1. Melt coconut oil and mix with maple syrup and orange rind. Stir mixture through oats, raisins and dates. Line oven try with foil and spread a thin layer or muskie over try (your may need 2 trays) and toast for 20 minutes at 180C or until golden, stir mix at the half way mark.
  2. Add nuts and seeds and keep in an airtight container.
Your Naturopathic Health