GAPS diet – All diseases begin in the gut

GAPS diet – All diseases begin in the gut


All diseases begin in the gut

Hippocrates 470 -370 BC

I only discovered GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) diet a few years ago and I felt like it was the missing link in my approach to treating clients. Ive been using it ever since with amazing results.

The GAPS diet is based on the work of Dr. Natasha Campbell- McBride. This diet is based on healing the gut lining using the correct whole food diet and promoting beneficial gut bacteria in order to restore optimal health. This diet is focuses on the link between immune and psychological health with digestive health. 

GAPS is an effective approach to

ALL digestive problems


Auto immune conditions







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Roasted cauliflower and pumpkin soup

Roasted cauliflower and pumpkin soup
Cauliflower and pumpkin soup
Simple and delicious soup.
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Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
1 hr
Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
1 hr
  1. 1/2 cauliflower head broken into florets
  2. 1 butternut pumpkin
  3. 2L chicken stock
  4. 2 cloves of garlic grated
  5. 1 tbsp of coconut oil
  6. 1 tsp of powdered cumin
  7. 4 tbsp of coconut our sour cream
  1. Preheat oven to 180'C
  2. Coat cauliflower florets with coconut oil and cumin.
  3. Place on oven tray next to whole pumpkin.
  4. Bake 1 hour.
  5. Bring stock to boil and add garlic. Simmer for 5 minutes.
  6. Peel skin off pumpkin and scoop out flesh.
  7. Add cauliflower and pumpkin to stock and blend till smooth.
  8. Add a spoonful of coconut or sour cream.
Your Naturopathic Health

Coconut, lime and ginger ‘cheese’ cake

Coconut, lime and ginger ‘cheese’ cake
Lime, coconut and ginger 'cheese' cake
Yummy, fresh raw food dessert
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Cook Time
20 min
Cook Time
20 min
  1. Base;
  2. 1 cup shredded coconut
  3. 1/2 cup of almonds
  4. 6 dates
  5. 1 tbsp coconut oil
  6. 1 tbsp chia seeds
  7. 1 - 2tbsp powdered ginger
  8. Filling;
  9. 3 cups of cashews (soaked over night)
  10. 1/4 cup coconut cream
  11. 1/4 cup maple syrup
  12. 1/2 lemon juiced
  13. 3 limes (juice of 3 and rind of 2)
  14. 1 tsp vanilla extract
  1. Blend ingredients for base in food processor until well combined
  2. Press into lined cake tin
  3. Combine all ingredients for filling in food processor until smooth and creamy.
  4. Layer on top of base.
  5. Place in fridge or freezer to set for at least 2 hours.
  6. Sprinkle with rind from one of the limes.
Your Naturopathic Health

Chocolate and raspberry tarts

Chocolate and raspberry tarts
Chocolate and raspberry tarts
Serves 8
A delicious raw food dessert.
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Prep Time
30 min
Prep Time
30 min
  1. Base;
  2. ½ cup almonds
  3. 1 cup coconut
  4. 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  5. 6 dates
  6. pinch salt
  7. Chocolate ganache;
  8. 2 avocados
  9. 1/2 cup cacao
  10. 1/2 cup maple syrup
  11. 1 tspn vanilla
  12. 4 dates soaked
  13. Raspberry Topping;
  14. 1 1/2 cups rasberries
  15. 1 tablespoon beetroot powder or beetroot juice (Bioglan) Optional
  16. 1 table spoon Acai + Berry Powder (Bioglan) Optional
  17. 2 tablespoons Chia seeds
  18. 2 dates soaked
  1. Soak 6 dates with chia seeds in hot water for 15 minutes (remember to remove 2 for topping).
  2. Combine all ingredients for base in food processor and mix until well combined.
  3. Press into tart tins or 20cm pan lined with baking paper.
  4. Place in fridge to set.
  5. Combine all ingredients for chocolate ganache in food processor and blend until smooth.
  6. Spoon mix on top of base, smoothing top to form an even layer.
  7. Blend ingredients for top layer until smooth and spoon an even layer over top of chocolate mix.
  8. Leave in fridge to set for an hour.
  1. I have made this as small tarts or in a cake tin as one large cake.
Your Naturopathic Health

Spicy sweet potato chips

Spicy sweet potato chips
Spicy sweet potato chips
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Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
25 min
Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
25 min
  1. 2 orange sweet potatoes
  2. 1 table spoon coconut oil
  3. 1 tablespoon cajun spice
  4. Sea salt
  1. Thinly slice sweet potato
  2. Melt coconut oil and coat sweet potato
  3. Sprinkle with cajun spice and sea salt
  4. Cook 180'C for 25- 30 minutes. Turning after 15 minutes.
Your Naturopathic Health

Bright breakfast juice

Bright breakfast juice
Luca's breakfast juice
Serves 2
I can't take credit for my recipe. This was designed by my 3 year old because he loved the colour and the taste - and I agree! Its yum.
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Prep Time
4 min
Prep Time
4 min
  1. 3 oranges peeled
  2. 3 carrots
  3. 1/4- 1/2 fresh beetroot
  1. Juice and drink! Simple.
  2. Option - Add 1/4 cup of water or coconut water.
  1. Why is it healthy?
  2. Oranges - immune support and protective antioxidants
  3. Carrots - High in beta-carotene (converts to vitamin A). Anti-cancer properties and important for eye health.
  4. Beetroot - important for heart health, anti inflammatory and boosts stamina.
Your Naturopathic Health

Chia and tamari kale chips

Chia and tamari kale chips
Chia and Tamari Kale chips
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Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
10 min
Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
10 min
  1. 1 bunch of kale
  2. 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  3. 1 tablespoon tamari or soy
  4. 1 tspn grated garlic
  5. 1 tablespoon Bioglan chia seeds
  6. 1 tablespoon sesame seeds
  1. Preheat oven 180'C
  2. Warm coconut oil in pot with garlic for 5 minutes.
  3. Add Tamari
  4. Add Kale and coat with mixture.
  5. Place on lined oven trays in a single layer.
  6. Cook for 5 minutes keep in eye not to burn, and turn and cook for 3 more minutes
  7. Sprinkle with chia and sesame
Your Naturopathic Health

My favourite green juice

My favourite green juice
My favourite green juice
Serves 2
Fresh and clean - great way to start the day.
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Prep Time
5 min
Prep Time
5 min
  1. 3 green apples
  2. 1/2 cup of coconut water
  3. 1 cup of baby spinach
  4. 1 celery stalk
  5. 1 small hand full of parsley
  6. 1 lemon peeled
  7. 1 lime peeled
  8. 1 small piece of ginger
  1. Place all ingredients in juicer and serve. Thats it!
  2. You could also juice in blender with ice.
  1. The amount of juice extracted depends on your juicer. I have a cold pressed juicer - you may need to add extra coconut water.
  2. I love starting my day with this recipe.
  3. Extra note -
  4. This recipe is useful in morning sickness or an time when you feel unwell.
  5. Juicing is a great way to increase your vitamin intake especially when you are not consuming enough fruit and vegetables. This recipe is one of my favourite green drinks and it saved me during my pregnancies when all food was my enemy. Those of you who have been through morning sickness will know what I mean.
  6. Spinach and parsley- great source of folate
  7. Coconut juice - natural source of electrolytes
  8. Ginger - alleviates nausea
  9. Lemon and lime - are refreshing when nothing else seems appealing.
Your Naturopathic Health

Salmon with Asian veg in a miso broth

Salmon with Asian veg in a miso broth
Salmon and Asian veg in miso broth
Serves 2
Super easy and heathy week night dinner - ready in 15 minutes
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Prep Time
2 min
Cook Time
13 min
Prep Time
2 min
Cook Time
13 min
  1. 2 salmon fillets
  2. 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  3. Sea salt
  4. Pepper
  5. Broth
  6. 1 small cube of ginger peeled
  7. 2 cloves of garlic - peeled and crushed
  8. 1 small onion - peeled and finely sliced
  9. 1 tablespoon miso (can add more)
  10. 2 1/2 cups of water
  11. 1 bunch of chinese broccoli - stalks removed (normal broccoli or other asian greens are fine)
  12. 1 pack enoki mushrooms - base removed (can find in most supermarkets)
  13. 2 tsp Tamari or soy sauce
  14. 1/2 Lime
  1. I don't normally cook to time limits but this is just to demonstrate how easy it is to pull together in 15 minutes.
  2. Place all ingredients for broth in pan, bring to boil and continue to boil for about 12 minutes.
  3. At the same time heat coconut oil in pan, sprinkle salmon on both sides with salt and pepper and add to pan when pan is hot and oil has melted. Cook on a high heat for 1 minute then turn down to moderate temperature for 5 minutes (less if you like your salmon rare in the middle). Turn up heat and flip salmon. Cook on high heat for one minute and turn down to medium temperature for 4 minutes.
  4. 2 minutes after flipping salmon and while broth is boiling - steam chinese broccoli and mushrooms over broth. Remove after 1 -2 minutes. Turn off broth and pour into 2 bowls, distributing mushrooms and broccoli evenly.
  5. Top with salmon.
  6. Add tspn of tamari to each bowl and squeeze lime over salmon.
  7. Enjoy!
  8. Option - You can also add soba noodles or rice noodles.
  1. Why is it healthy?
  2. Garlic - Immune boosting properties
  3. Ginger -anti inflammatory and good for digestion.
  4. Salmon - naturally high in Omega 3's - beneficial for heart, brain and nerve health
  5. Chinese broccoli - high in Vitamin A and C- for eye and immune health
  6. Enoki mushrooms - good source of protein, B Vitamins and possible cancer fighting properties.
Your Naturopathic Health

My recipes and me

My recipes and me

Cooking has always been therapeutic for me. I could cook all day long if I had the time (and someone to clean up after me) . Cooking grounds me when life gets too hectic, it reminds me of my grandparents, well my nans in particular. My mum’s mum would make everything from scratch. Her pantries would be overflowing with preserves, pickles and freezers full of meals she had prepared in advance. My dads mum would serve a simple wholesome dinner and it was always followed by a home made dessert.

I didn’t realise how much cooking followed trends until I was looking at one of my Nan’s old cook books. Recipes and methods of cooking all changing over the decades. Her hand written books, filled with newspaper and magazine cut outs, starting with recipes from the 1950’s through to the late 90’s. The stews, condiments and pickles are wholesome and made from scratch.

Over forty years worth of her favourite recipes and its something Im lucky to have in my possession. I have now started to add to it myself. My recipes replacing the white sugar with other natural sweeteners and the white flour for whole grains or even vegetable substitutes….what would she think if she saw me making chocolate ganache with raw cacao, dates, avocado and maple syrup? Im pretty sure she would be pleasantly surprised. I have even had the approval of my Italian in laws who are very traditional in their tastes. I love their reactions when they taste my recipes.

In my clinic generally most of my clients with digestive complaints are placed on specific diets catered for their individuals needs. I base my programs on the GAPS diet – a diet designed by Dr Natasha Campbell- McBride. The diet is usually based on bone broths and stocks (will be writing more about these later), vegetables, meats and fermented food, other ingredients vary from client to client. This is something that can be daunting to incorporate at first but I have designed a program and recipes that make it practical to prepare in their every day lives.

Having said that – the rest of my recipes are simple ways to incorporate whole food choices into your daily routine. Some are grain free, some are free from dairy, soy, nuts or gluten and all are free from artificial colours, flavours, preservatives and refined sugar. They are based on whole foods, as close to their natural source as possible. I want to help people realise how easy it is to make home cooked real food recipes every day, eliminating processed foods from their diet.

I will be constantly adding recipes and information to my page so stay tuned…I hope you enjoy experiencing it as much as I have enjoyed creating it. This is only the beginning.
