Superfoods for digestion


What’s your gut reaction?

Some people are proud of their ability to burp the alphabet or clear the room with their…um flatulence (for a more technical word) but for most of us, digestive problems can be embarrassing and extremely uncomfortable. Burning, cramps, bloating, excessive wind, constipation or diarrhoea are not subtle symptoms easily ignored. Whether it is a daily occurrence or bloating after a large indulgent meal, a change in our diet and lifestyle choices can make a huge difference to our digestive health. These symptoms do not need to be a part of your daily life.


Digestive relief with superfoods

Superfoods contain a concentrated amount of nutrients that can help to soothe those not-so-nice tummy problems. Here are some suggestions that are easy to incorporate into your daily diet.

Fibre-filled chia seeds

High in Omega 3, protein and calcium, these tiny seeds contain twice as much fibre as oats. Fibre improves digestion by speeding up the movement and elimination of waste through your body and should be a part of your daily diet. It is particularly important in the management of constipation. When soaked in water, chia seeds form a gel which has a soothing effect on your stomach. Great for treating sensitive tummies and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Low-fibre diets have been linked to diabetes, high cholesterol, cancer and heart disease – even more reason to use this wonderful superfood.

  • Chia can be added to your baking, salads, stir fries, breakfast cereals or smoothies, pretty much any meal due to their mild taste.
Soothing aloe vera

Have you ever calmed sunburnt skin with aloe vera? Well, this medicinal plant has the same soothing effect on your digestive tract. Aloe vera juice helps to balance the bacteria of your digestive tract and its anti-inflammatory effects on your stomach and intestines make this juice a great digestive tonic. It is effective in treating symptoms of IBS, reflux, indigestion and bloating.

  • Aloe vera juice can be taken straight up or mixed with water or juice.
Detoxifying chlorophyll

The phytonutrients in chlorophyll help to cleanse and detoxify the body. It is easy to digest and effective in reducing gas, bloating and acidity in the stomach.

  • Can be taken straight or diluted in water.


Know your triggers

Keeping a diet and symptom diary is a great way to track foods that may be aggravating your condition.

Slow down and chew your food

Digestion starts in your mouth. Chewing slowly gives enzymes in your mouth a chance to get a head start breaking down the food you are consuming, it also signals your stomach to increase the flow of digestive juices. Not chewing your food, results in large portions of food being sent straight to your stomach. This will aggravate bloating, reflux and indigestion.


Is important for both constipation and diarrhoea. Constipation because it helps to get things moving in your bowel and with diarrhoea it’s important to replace the fluids lost.

Coconut water

Another superfood, coconut water is a great way to replenish electrolytes depleted during diarrhoea.

Move it

Exercise is especially useful if you suffer from constipation. Your movement will increase the contractions of your bowel, improving digestion and elimination. Allow 2 hours after you eat to exercise, exercising at the wrong time can actually have a negative effect by slowing digestion down.

Stress less

The digestive system is very sensitive to stress. Stress causes inflammation in the digestive tract and can increase the effects of IBS, heartburn and reflux. Try meditation or yoga. If that’s not your thing, limit digestive stressors such as caffeine, alcohol and nicotine.

You can read more about the superfood products I have mentioned here on Bioglan’s website.