Greens on the go

Greens on the go
Serves 2
Perfect natural vitamin boost when you are on the run!
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Prep Time
3 min
Cook Time
3 min
Prep Time
3 min
Cook Time
3 min
  1. 2 green apples
  2. 1 cup baby spinach
  3. 1 stalk celery
  4. small bunch on parsley
  5. 1/2 lime
  6. 1/2 lemon
  7. 1/2 cup coconut water or water
  8. 1 tsp spirulina powder (bioglan)
  9. 1 tsp kale powder
  1. Press all ingredients in cold press juicer and stir through kale and spirulina powder at the end. If I was using my processor I would add avocado and mint...extra yummy.
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