5 tips for flying (successfully) with young children

flying with kids

I was an expat living in Seoul when I had my first child. My husband travelled for work which meant that I was lucky enough to fly to various places with my daughter to meet him. Like many expat kids, her passport was full before it had the chance to expire and in the process I became an expert on travelling alone with kids.

Here are some helpful hints for those planning to fly over these holidays.


When travelling on long flights with really young children take extra of everything – extra nappies, extra wipes, extra food and extra clothes (for both you and your kids. TRUST ME on this – there are a few not so nice reasons why extra clothes are important for the parent!).


I have to admit before kids I would arrive at the airport right at the last minute possible, rushing through queues and arriving to my gate just in the nick of time– after all I had plenty of time to relax on the plane after I sat down…not any more. Allowing plenty of time to check in and get to your gate is one of the most important aspect of a successful flight with a little one. Time has a while new meaning when you are travelling with kids. Everything thing takes longer and rushing the whole process will place unneeded pressure on you and your child. They WILL want to jump out of the queues, they WILL want to look at the plane and the shops, they WILL want to take their time, so don’t fight it. When you are relaxed your children will be as well.


Following on from my point above arriving early gives them time to play. No not on an iPad but physical play. Take them for a walk, let them crawl, some air ports have play areas now so you have plenty of opportunity to use some of their energy before they are cooped up for the next 9 hours or so.


From what Ive experienced – kids meals on planes almost always include processed snacks, ice creams and chocolates. Do they really need a sugar hit when there is no way to burn it off? Stock up on healthy snacks – hummus, healthy muffins, vegetable sticks, fruits, popcorn and whole grain crackers.

TOYS (pretty obvious I know)

Chose something easy to pack, not their favourite toys as they might get lost on your travels (unless its something that helps them get to sleep). Colouring, card games, action figures or if all else fails iPads/DS. Most airlines now have children’s movies as well.

Few laps of the aeroplane when they are extra restless and you’re set. And, yes this will all fit in your carry on bag!

Kids generally arent as bad as you (or those around you – you know the ones that roll their eyes the minute they find out they are seated next to kids on a plane) think they will be.

Hope this helps a little on your flight – Safe travels.

Kristy x