Labneh recipe – yoghurt cheese

Labne - yoghurt cheese
Simple recipe that will impress your friends. Labne is a traditional middle eastern dish that contains beneficial bacteria for the digestive tract.
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Prep Time
24 hr
Prep Time
24 hr
  1. 500gm tub natural greek yoghurt
  2. 1 tbsp sea salt
  3. 2 slices of lemon
  4. 2 cloves of garlic
  5. 1 chilli (optional)
  6. mixed herbs
  7. olive oil (enough to cover cheese)
  1. Stir salt into yoghurt.
  2. Place yoghurt in cheese cloth, gather ends and tie up. (I use a large jar and a skewer through the cheese cloth to suspend or place in vegetable strainer over pot to collect the whey)
  3. Leave to drain for 24 hours.
  4. Fill a glass jar half way with olive oil and add half herbs.
  5. Roll into balls and drop into olive oil
  6. Add herbs of choice and top up olive oil making sure cheese is completely covered.
  7. Seal jar and store in fridge.
  1. My favourite are herbs/spices are chilli, garlic, rosemary and lemon or currants, walnuts and cinnamon.
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